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How can I create a template so users opening a ticket can fill out required fields?

To create a template for items for your users, you can navigate to More Applications > Administration > Forms. Here you can create or edit the form used to create items via the top 'Add' menu. Edit the form by clicking on the pencil icon next to it. 

You can edit the form name, title, and subtitle, remove existing properties, or click "Add Another Property to the Form" to add an existing property. Hover over the default value column and click the pencil icon to add a default to the property. These default will be filled in when creating an item using this form. You also have the option to make certain properties required by clicking the checkbox. 

You can click "Create New Form" to create a multiple forms, this way you are able to have multiple templates available at the same time.

For more details on creating and configuring items in OneDesk, see our Knowledgebase Article on the subject here.