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Internal Forms (User-Facing Forms)

In OneDesk you can create tickets and tasks (and other items) from the top toolbar by selecting the 'Add' button. When you, or other users, create a ticket or task in this way, you are using the ‘internal creation form.’ These internal forms have a number of properties available by default, such as the name, description, etc. You can configure which properties appear on your internal form, what properties are required, and whether any fields are filled in by default. 

Note: This article pertains to the internal or user-facing forms only for customer-facing forms see: Webforms

Forms Settings

Go to Administration→ Forms Here you will find your form settings and configuration. The forms are first broken down by tickets and tasks and then further divided by each enabled ticket/task type. Each ticket/task type can have multiple forms.

For example, in the image below I have Tickets, then below that a ticket type called ‘ticket,’ and two forms for that type. The next block is a ticket type called ‘question,’ with one form for this type. You can see, edit, and create new forms here. 

For information on ticket/task types see: Item Types 

  1. Create a new form
  2. Edit or delete a form

Why create multiple forms?

Each form can have its own properties as well as default set values for these properties. For many cases, using multiple forms, configuring form properties, and/or setting default values can make logging a ticket more efficient.

A common use case is item templates. Item templates refer to the ability to create a ticket/task with most properties already filled out for you. For example, you may have a common service you offer your customers. Perhaps, when creating a new ticket for this service it almost always needs to go into the same project or includes the same details. This situation is a perfect use case for an additional form. You can create a separate form, named for this service, that has the assignee and description already set as the default values. 

Similarly, another common use case is the desire to have properties appear on the form depending on what the ticket/task is for. Enabling different properties for the form ensures that when creating the item those properties are specifically filled out (i.e. they can be made required). While this can also be done with item types, you may not want to overcomplicate your workflow with multiple types, or the item may actually fall under the same type. A common example of this is an 'onboarding task.' A company may have an 'onboarding task' for new customers and another for new employees. The employee onboarding has certain custom fields that should be entered upon creation of the task, for example, while the customer onboarding task does not require those fields. 

Read more use cases on: Item Templates

Create new form

Select the create a new form button at the top of the settings page. Select the item type you want to create the form for. The form will appear (alphabetically) on your forms list. You can now edit the form. 

Editing an internal form

Select the pencil icon beside the form you wish to edit to open the edit form popup.

About the name and title options:

Menu Name - The name of your form as it appears in the admin settings, the Add menu, and inside the form title.

Form Title - Displays on the form title.

Subtitle - Displays under the form title in the form.

Add a default value by hovering over the field and selecting the pencil icon. 

Titles as displayed in the creation form.

Adding a property to the form

You can edit which properties appear when creating the item using this form. For instance, if you want a custom field to show up in the creation form. Select 'Add Another Property to the Form' to select a new property.

Set default values for properties

You can also set default values for properties, meaning those properties will be filled in with that information when creating the ticket/task. (Note: you can still edit a default before creation). Hover over the 'Default value' column and select the pencil icon that appears to set the default value.

Note: Attachment cannot have a set default value.

Configure the name of the property as displayed in the form

Configure the name of the property as it is displayed on your form by hovering over the field and selecting the pencil icon.

Rearrange properties

Hover over the property rows. Click and drag the icon to the left of the property name to reorder the properties. This action reorders how the properties are displayed in the creation form. 

Set if required or not

Check the box under the 'is required' column to set the property as required. (Name, Project, and Type are required by default)

Remove a property

Remove a property from the form by selecting the ‘X’ icon. (Name, Project and Type are required fields and cannot be removed).

Deleting a form

Click the trash icon beside the form you want to delete. Note: You cannot delete your default form. If you want to delete the form, first set a new default. 

Ticket Types vs. Forms? 

Ticket types are used to designate tickets that go through very different flows. The benefit being that you can define distinct statuses, workflow automations, and forms for each type. For example, you might have a ticket type for ‘issues’ and another for ‘service requests.’ Issues will have a different set of lifecycle statuses and maybe be auto-assigned to a different team than service requests.  

Forms are not the same as ticket types, but are related. Forms are used to create a ticket of a certain type. Internal (user-facing) forms are accessed from the top ‘Add’ button when in the OneDesk web app. Each ticket type (or task type) has its own form. When you select an ‘issue’ you are using the ‘issue’ type ticket form. You can configure each ticket form separately. 

Webforms (or customer facing forms) are also used to create tickets. When a customer submits an ‘issue’ form they are submitting an issue type ticket. 

Related Articles: 

Item Types

Adding and Removing Detail Panel Properties 

Item Templates