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Finding Projects: Common Reasons and Solutions
Sometimes when using OneDesk you may expect to have a project visible but you cannot find it. There are several reasons this may occur. Let’s look over reasons why you might not see certain projects...
Search Tools
OneDesk lets you easily find what you are looking for through convenient search options. There is a search tool within each view and a global search to help you locate what you need. Global Search...
View Exporting: Exporting Data
OneDesk allows you to export data in CSV. Aside from the built-in reports and charts in OneDesk, exporting can be useful for performing data analysis. You can export data in Tree or Flat view from...
Project Discovery
What is Project Discoverability? A project acts as a container for your tickets and tasks. In OneDesk projects are ‘shared’ with your teams or users. When a project is not shared, that team or user...
Recent Activities Indicator: Track Changes to Your Items
When using OneDesk, a quick way of seeing if there has been changes to an item you have worked on is the recent activity marker. This marker is a green heartbeat icon in your grid view, which...
Docking an Item's Detail Panel to Your Screen
You can dock an item’s detail panel to your screen for ease-of-access inside OneDesk. If you need to be looking at many item’s detail panels, docking the detail panel will prevent you from having to...
Creating and Using Folders
In addition to portfolios and projects, folders are used to organize your tickets and tasks. Folders are contained within projects. Use folders to maintain an extra level of control over where...
Requesters vs. Followers: Differences and Uses
In OneDesk, you can add followers and requesters to your tickets, tasks, projects, and timesheets. Those who are added as followers or requesters will, by default, receive updates on changes, such...
Subtask Tree View
Subtasks in OneDesk are full-featured items that can be split off, moved independently, and go through a full lifecycle. This means that within the Folder Tree view, subtasks might not be located...
The Calendar View
The calendar has daily, weekly, and monthly view. Select your view level on the top left side of the calendar. The calendar is available in your Tasks application. You can turn it on (or off) in...
Views Management
The 'Manage Views' panel allows you to configure the side panel display of your app's work views. Hover over the views panel within any of OneDesk’s main apps to bring up your View configuration...
Custom Chart Dashboard
OneDesk allows you to view a dashboard of graphs and charts that display data about tickets, tasks, projects, customer satisfaction, and more. This data can be found in your analytics application,...
Workload View
(Available on Premium level plans or higher) Workload view is a ‘system view’ available in the Tasks and Tickets applications. The workload view is a resource availability tool to help you visualize...
Creating & Sharing Work Views
OneDesk lets you choose how your data is displayed. 'Views' or 'work views,' let you decide how your work is displayed, allowing you to better understand and manage the information. 'Custom views'...
Project Scope and Level
What is project level / project scope In OneDesk, work is organized into projects. Projects can be used for planning, organization and for privacy and permissions. If a project is not shared with...
Hotkeys / Shortcuts
OneDesk has a number of hotkeys to help you navigate or complete actions What are hotkeys? Hotkeys, or keyboard shortcuts, allow you to use a key or key combination to perform actions you would...
Gantt Charts
What is a Gantt chart A Gantt chart is a project management tool that visualizes work over a period of time. A Gantt chart consists of the left side with a list of tasks and horizontal bars which...
Kanban / Status Board
A Kanban board is a project management tool to visualize work. Kanban boards consist of cards and columns. The cards are work items, while the columns typically represent different statuses or steps...