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Setting Up
Want to start using OneDesk? Not sure where to begin? Start here!
Using OneDesk for the first time? Start here and learn the basics!
Learn about the features for creating, using, and managing tickets.
Learn about the features for creating, using, and managing tasks.
Learn all about creating, using, and managing projects.
Learn about using the internal Messenger application to interact with customers and users.
Users & Teams
Learn about user teams, including how to share and collaborate as well as manage users and permissions.
Customers & Organizations
Learn about customer management, including how to create customers and manage customer information.
Reporting & Analytics
Learn about how to view and track KPIs, export your data, run or schedule reports, and more.
Learn how to view your work with customizable views including the Kanban board, Gantt chart, and more.
Time Tracking
Learn how to log and track time taken on work.
Knowledge Center
Learn all about using the Knowledge Center app.
Email Management
Learn how to manage incoming and outgoing emails, configure email preferences and appearance.
Learn about how to create and send invoices and manage your budget.
Customer Apps
Learn about the applications that help your customers communicate, stay informed, and submit items.
Learn how to save time with powerful workflow automations, automated replies, automated emails, and more.
Integrations & API
Learn about how OneDesk can integrate with your favorite applications to connect your work.
Administration & Account
Learn about configurations, account settings, company preferences, and other administrative settings.
Learn about the features and functionality of OneDesk's mobile solutions.
Learn about installing, managing, and configuring the on-premise version of OneDesk.
Learn how to solve common problems or issues.
Release Notes
Read about the latest OneDesk features and improvements in the release notes.