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Set Up / Configure Your Knowledgebase


Setting up your knowledgebase involves the following:

  1. Create articles
  2. Create your categories
  3. Put categories in your KB
  4. Configure KB appearance
  5. Give customers access to the KB

1.Create your articles 

Create articles from Add > Knowledgebase Article. The 'name' property will be the title of the article. The description will be the content of the article. When the article is ready, add it to a KB category to make it visible in the knowledgebase.

See full details: Create & Edit KB Articles

2.Create categories

Create categories from Knowledge Center > By Category. Categories and parent categories are how you organize your articles within a knowledgebase. 

See full details: Create & Edit KB Categories 

3.Put the categories in your KB

Choose the categories to include on your knowledgebase. Since you can have multiple knowledge bases, not all categories will necessarily be included in a KB automatically. Once the category (or its parent) is included in the knowledge base, any future articles that are added to that category will appear in the knowledgebase.

  • Go to Administration > ‘name of your Knowledgebase’ > under Show Categories & Parent Categories
  • Click the Add button
  • Select the categories that will appear on the first page of your KB. If you add a parent category, all its child categories will be added to the KB under the parent. 
  • You can drag and drop the category bubbles to re-arrange their order on your KB. 

4.Configure your KB Appearance

Configure the branding and other settings to your organization's preference. Go to Administration > ‘name of your Knowledgebase’.

The following settings are available: 

Welcome text

The welcome text appears at the top of your knowledgebase. 

Featured articles 

The 'Featured Articles' section appears below the categories on your knowledgebase. Use this section to highlight important, popular, recent, or other recommended articles. 

You can configure what this section is called from the ‘Featured Articles Title’ setting.

Hide the Featured Articles section by unchecking the box beside 'Show Featured Articles'.

Configure which articles appear in the Featured Articles section in the 'Features to display' section. 

  • Click the 'x' in the article bubble to remove the article from the section.
  • Click Add to select the article you want to appear in this section.

Direct the customer to webform

If the search yields no results, there will be a prompt to ‘create a new item’. This link will lead the customer to the form you select here. 

Show search

Check the box to enable or disable the search bar. 

Colors and appearance

Go to Admin > ‘name of your KB’ > Appearance tab

Dark mode or light mode on the KB appears depending on the device system settings (i.e. you or your customer's PC or mobile device). The dark mode colors, logos, and hero image can be configured separately. 

Use your company logo or select a custom logo. The logo will appear at the top of the KB in full screen mode. 

Main color - Configures the color of the top and sidebars.

Main text color - Configures the color of the text on the top and sidebars.

Secondary button color - Configures the category title on the right sidebar

Body Color - Configures the category title, featured article title, and article text colors. 

Enable community features

If community features are on, the author, post date, and comments will be visible on the knowledgebase. Customers will be able to post message on articles as well as see any public messages. Learn more in the article Community Forum.

5. Give customers access

It is recommended to give your customers more than one place to access the KB. You can provide access to the KB by:

  1. Providing a link to the KB via automated messages, email signatures, or your website. 
  2. Adding the web widget to your website.
  3. Embedded the KB onto another page via iFrame. 

The link to your KB is found under Administration > Customer Apps under Customer Access URL

See also: Adding customer apps to your site.