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Creating & Sharing Work Views

OneDesk lets you choose how your data is displayed. 'Views' or 'work views,' let you decide how your work is displayed, allowing you to better understand and manage the information. 'Custom views' allow you to choose exactly how to display your data with sorting, filtering, grouping, and more. Custom views can be saved on the side panel, allowing you to seamlessly switch between each and to improve your work efficiency.

What are work views?

Work views are different layouts to monitor and manage your data. Views are located on the left side panel in all the main apps: tickets, tasks, projects, articles, timesheets, customers, users, financials, and analytics.

The views side panel contains:

  1. Project Scope Selector - The scope selector widens or narrows the view to selected projects or portfolios. Work views in OneDesk always follow the project level. The scope level is not saved in a custom view, rather it can be set on top of any custom views. The scope also follows you as you move to other apps. Learn more: Project Scope
  2. Views - Usually referred to as 'system views' are basic or uncustomized work views. Think of these as base layouts, all your custom views are built off system views. 
  3. My Views - Your custom views, which are configured and personalized in various ways including searches, groupings, filters, and column preferences.

Note: You can hide or set default system views. See: View Management

Views side panel

How custom views work

Custom views consist of the following options: Layouts, Filters, Groupings:

 1.Layout - Select the system view or base layout of how data is displayed. Layout options differ depending on the application. Layouts include: Tree, Flat, Card, Calendar, Roadmap, Workload, Gantt.

2.Filters - Define the data that will appear in the view.

3.Grouping - Define how the data is grouped within the view. (Available on the Tree, Gantt, or Card layout). 

Other configurations - Other customizations can be made to work views, including by: applying search terms, sorting by a property, or adding, removing, rearranging, or resizing columns. You will notice that whenever you make these customizations, you will be in an 'unsaved view' (indicated on the side panel and top 'breadcrumbs'). Select the 'save icon' to save these changes to a new or existing custom view.

  • To add or remove columns, select the gear icon located at the top left of the grid.
  • To rearrange columns,hover the column name then click and drag to the desired order. 
  • Sort by clicking the funnel beside the column name (appears on hover). You can also quickly filter or group from this component.
  • Resize columns by hovering near the end of the column until the cursor changes to look like two opposite facing arrows. Once the cursor changes, click and drag to the desired width. 

'Unsaved view' indicated on the panel and breadcrumbs

Create a new custom view

  • Select the plus icon beside 'Views' (this icon appears upon hover).
  • Choose the layout (system view). This will be the layout upon which you build your custom view.
  • Apply any filters to narrow your data.
  • If the layout you selected is the Tree, Gantt, or Card you can set a grouping level.
  • Save the view by selecting Save.

(Tip: You can click out of the side panel before saving to use the custom view without saving it. You can also make the additional configurations as described above before saving the view). 

Create a new custom view

Share custom views

Admin level users are also able to share their custom views with their entire company, individual users or teams. After you save your custom view, sharing options will be displayed:

Available sharing options:

  • Do not share - The custom view will be visible only to you. Also known as a ‘private view’
  • Share with all users - The custom view will be shared company wide, to all users.
  • Share with selected users and teams - The custom view can be shared with one or more users or teams.

Note: You can share or re-share existing custom views by selecting the 'gear icon' beside 'Views'.

Edit or delete a custom view

  • Edit a custom view by hovering over the view name in your side panel and selecting the 'pencil icon'. 
  • Delete a custom view from the view management panel. Select the gear icon beside 'Views'. Click the trash icon beside the view you want to delete. 

See also: Views Management 

Access 'views management' to edit, delete, or share custom views.

Expand / Collapse

You can easily expand or collapse the grouping level of your current view. Click the action icon (three dots) in the upper right side. Select Expand All or Collapse All. 

Note: Expand/collapse cannot be saved to a custom view. However, your last selection is saved as part of your user preference. The next time you visit the application, this preference will be applied.

For example, let's say you have all the folders collapsed for tickets application. If you leave the app or refresh, then return to the tickets application, all folders should still be collapsed for you. 

Fast Filters

Fast filters refer to a method of more quickly applying filters from the grid (Tree or Flat). You can filter your work views from the top columns of the grid.

  • Select the action icon (three dots) that appears on hover beside the column name.
  • Select the Filter option. (Fast filters are intentionally limited, providing less options than the Custom View Panel). 
  • The filter is saved upon clicking out of the pop-up window.
  • The column will appear highlighted. You can optionally save this view by clicking the save icon beside 'Unsaved View' on the side panel.
  • You can clear the filter by clicking the 'x' beside the 'Unsaved View' bubble in the top breadcrumbs.

Tip: You can apply more than one fast filter at a time. 

Example custom views

Here are a few common custom views and how to create them:

My to-do list (by priority)

To show a list of tasks or tickets you need to complete sorted by importance:

Select Flat layout.

Select Add Filter > Assignee > Is > Me.

Add a second filter > Lifecycle State > is not Finished.

Click out of the Views panel and select the priority column.

Sort priority high to low. 

Save your view. 

All tickets grouped by customer (company or individual)

To show all all tickets grouped by a customer organization or individual customer:

Select Tree Layout.

Select Group by > Requester (Organization) or Requester (individual).

Unassigned tasks/tickets

To display all items which have not been assigned to a user:

Add Filter Assigned y/n > is > No.

Select Lifecycle State > is not finished.

Tip: To easily assign or reassign these tasks create your view using: Card layout and Group By > By Assignee.

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