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Avoid Sending External Messages

How to avoid accidentally sending external messages

In OneDesk there are two conversation visibility types: ‘Customer replies’ (public) and ‘Internal messages’ (private). When a message is sent in a conversation marked ‘Customer replies’, all user and customer followers/requesters will receive the message. When a message is sent to a conversation set to ‘Internal messages’ only OneDesk users following the item will receive the message. Internal conversations are never sent or visible to a customer.  

You can create or continue conversations on a ticket/task/project detail panel or from the messenger app. There can simultaneously be public and private conversations on one item. This article will guide you on best practices to avoid accidentally sending messages to customers. 

Starting a new conversation

You can start a new conversation with a user or customer from the top 'Add' menu. But most commonly your team will start a conversation from the item detail panel.

To start a conversation from an ticket/task/project detail panel:

  • Open an item(ticket/task/project) from the grid.
  • In the Conversations tab, select Create new conversation.
  • In the resulting message box, select the tab for either: customer replies or internal messages. These options define the conversation as public or internal. Any messages made on the customer reply (public) conversation will go to both customer or user. Replies made on an Internal messages (private) conversation will go to only users. You can see who will receive the message on the bottom of the message box. All messages posted to this conversation will follow the selected type. 

Set default for new conversations:

You can set whether new conversations are defaulted to customer replies or internal messages.

 Go to Administration >> Company Preferences >> Default Settings.

Under item default conversation visibility and project default conversation visibility. Set both of these dropdowns to ‘Internal messages’. Now whenever someone creates a new conversation on a ticket/task/project the conversation will default to internal messages. 

When replying to a conversation

Before typing or sending a message, check if the conversation is customer replies (public) or internal messages (private). 

Replies are posted to a conversation. When posting a message the conversation type is indicated in a few places:

  • In the message box before you begin typing.
  • At the top of the conversation or when the conversation is closed. 
  • By checking the followers at the bottom left of the message box. If you only see the users tag, it is an internal conversation.

Check existing automated replies

Automated replies are messages which are posted to a conversation via an automation rule. OneDesk comes with some automated replies out-of-the-box. Your admin users can also create new automated replies. When creating an auto reply, it can be configured to be posted on a public or private conversation. 

Go to Administration >> Emails >> Messaging Center >> Automated Messages & Replies

The first block enables the flow of messaging and can be ignored for the purpose of this article. You can learn about it in the related articles.

The other blocks are automated replies in your account. The green bubble indicates whether the automation is currently running. In each block the ‘Sent to’ row indicates who the automation will be sent to upon being triggered. To change where the conversation is posted, click the automation number. 

The automation window will open. Click the green ‘actions’ bubble. This will allow you to configure the message that will be posted. 

If you select internal messages in the message tab, the automation will post to an internal conversation. 

Click 'Apply & save' then Save the automation. 

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