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Test Incoming / Outgoing Email Channels

This article is intended to guide you through testing your incoming and outgoing channels, particularly if you have received a warning that your email may not be connecting anymore. This warning occurs when an attempt to connect results in your server returning an 'Authentication Error'. This may mean that your outgoing emails are not being sent successfully (SMTP), or that new emails are not resulting in new tickets being created (IMAP). 

Follow these steps to verify if your email connection is working, and if not how to fix it.

Confirm outgoing works

Send a test email from inside OneDesk. If it goes out then you know that OneDesk is sending correctly and your outgoing email is connecting fine.

To send a test email you can send a reply on an existing ticket, or select Create a New Conversation from the Add menu. Remember, after a message is posted, emails are sent after 1 minute if the target user(s) or customer(s) do not read it within that time. You will see an indication when the email is sent. You can check the status of the email from your own SMTP server. 

Confirm incoming works

Verify that your emails are being created as tickets inside OneDesk by sending a test email to your capture address (for example, support@yourorganization.com). If the ticket is created then you know that incoming email is working correctly.

You can send the test email from any address not on your ‘do not follow list’ so typically an individual user email, personal email, etc. You will find the ticket in your Tickets app. You can also check the status of incoming messages from Administration >> Emails >> Incoming.

Outgoing / incoming is confirmed not to be working

If you have tested your channels via the steps above, and the tests have failed, you will need to verify your email settings and potentially reconnect your IMAP and SMTP.

Verify your email settings by going to Administration >> Email >> Settings. Under Incoming Email, verify your IMAP channel is connected. Under Outgoing Email Servers, verify the SMTP is connected and configured correctly.

You may need to disconnect and reconnect your email account to re-authenticate. Remove your incoming/outgoing channels by selecting the 'X' beside the channel. 

If you need a reminder on the connecting /configuring your channels see: The Email Flow

If this fails, you can make use of an alternative ticket capture method, with auto-forwarding. Auto-forward from your support inbox to the creation email in OneDesk to create new tickets. This method can be utilized from any email provider.

With this method you can still use a custom SMTP for outgoing email. Or, you can also utilize OneDesk’s servers for outgoing email. See full instructions on auto-forwarding:

- Auto-forwarding from Outlook / Office 365

-Auto forwarding from Google Workspace / Gmail

-Custom SMTP

Still having trouble with your emails? Book a 15 minute call with our team. 

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