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User Teams

A user is someone who has access to the main OneDesk web app. A team is a group of users. A team is basically synonymous with a department. For example, you might have a team for support and another for marketing. Users can belong to one or more teams. A user can also be assigned different roles in each team. When a team is assigned to a project, the user’s team role will become their project role.

Learn more about project roles: Project Roles & Permissions

What are teams for?

A team is a group of users. Teams can be used to efficiently assign, notify, or share work with relevant users. A whole team can be assigned to a ticket/task or added as a follower to a ticket/task. In this case, the whole team will receive relevant notifications. You can share projects on a per-team basis. Sharing with teams makes managing project roles easier and can aid in segmenting work per-department.

See also: Organizing Work for Multiple Departments

Creating teams

To create a team inside OneDesk, select the “Add” button at the top of the screen and choose Team. In the resulting window, name your team and click create.

You can access the team and manage the team’s members and settings in More applications >> Users.

Editing your teams - Adding or removing users

After creating a team, go to More Applications >> Users. 

You can add users into a team in a few ways:

1.Drag and drop the user into the desired team. (Note: You cannot use this method to add a user into two or more teams.)

2.Double click the team name to open the team detail panel.

  • Click ‘Add’ under 'Members.'
  • Select the user you want to add to the team. 

3.Double click the user to open the user detail panel.

  • Click ‘Add’ under ‘Teams’
  • Select the team for the user.

Editing your teams - Roles and sharing projects

After creating a team, go to more applications >> Users. Edit your teams by double clicking on the team’s name, or by selecting the three dots (...) in the “Actions” column and choosing “View Team Details”.

On the team detail panel, you can edit the team’s name and its members. Hovering over a member and selecting the arrow lets you choose the member’s ‘Project Role’. The following project roles are available:

  • Project Manager - Full access to all data and permissions in the project, can add or remove members and change project roles
  • Project Lead - Full access to all data and permissions in the project, cannot add or remove members and change project roles
  • Standard Member - Can access all data in the project but can only modify items they have created or have assigned to them, can participate in any discussions in the project
  • Restricted Member - Can access all data in the project but cannot modify it, can participate in any discussions in the project

See also: Project Roles and Permissions

Selecting “Manage Projects” will allow you to choose what projects are shared with the specific team. If a project is removed from being shared with this team, the team’s users will have to request access to the project again in the future if they are non-administrators, or rejoin the project if they are administrators. 

Note that if an entire team is added to an item or project in OneDesk, you cannot select what members receive certain notifications. If you want to control what items team members are notified of, add individual users to items and projects instead of teams, or customize the user’s notification preferences manually.

Learn more: User Notifications

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