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Conditional Custom Fields

Accessing the custom field editor

To access the custom field editor, go to More applications > Administration > Custom Fields

In this section, you can see any pre-existing custom fields, what type they are, a default choice (if applicable), what project they are visible in, and actions to edit or delete existing custom fields.

Scrolling down, you can manage any conditions that interact with your existing custom fields, or add new conditions.

Creating a custom field

You can create a custom field with the “create custom field” button toward the top-left corner of the custom field manager.

Learn more about creating and using custom fields: Using Custom Fields

As an example, let’s create a custom field for tickets called “Location” which offers a choice of location out of three options.

Click create to add this custom field to your tickets. You can edit the content of this field or delete it entirely from the custom field editor, as well as drag it to re-order if needed.

Adding conditions to custom fields

Let’s create a condition for a custom field. To add conditions for your custom fields, head to the “manage conditions” section and choose to add a condition. 

For our example, let’s add a condition to the custom field “Product Line”, such that if the option “Web Services” is chosen, a custom field called “Web Products” will now be visible on the ticket detail panel.

A screen will appear where you can specify when a value in a specific field is chosen, one or more other fields will then appear. From our example above, then, we fill out the fields like so:

Therefore, if you select save, when “Web Services” is chosen from our Product Line field, the Web Products field will appear on our ticket detail panel. You can also add in additional fields which appear when this option is chosen, or remove the existing field with the ”X”.

The condition will then appear in our condition list, and it can be edited or removed as desired.

Making conditional fields visible

Ticket Detail Panel

Once a conditional field has been added, you must enable it for the application’s detail panel that you wish to see it in. Since our field with conditions appears on tickets, we head to the ticket options under our administration settings and scroll to the “Ticket Detail Panel Properties” heading. Here, we see our field, and must switch ‘Include conditional fields’ to ON:

Now, our conditional field will appear on the ticket detail panel when the corresponding response is chosen.

Internal Form

 You can also see the conditions on an item’s internal form when you add a custom field. To do this, head to the “Forms” section under administration, and select the item form you wish to add your custom field to - tickets, in our case. You can then select a custom field to add to this form with the “Add another property to this form button”. If the chosen field has conditions, they must be enabled here as well:

Now our custom field will display the conditional field when the correct option is chosen on both the ticket detail panel:

And on the ticket creation form:


You can also enable custom fields and conditional custom fields on webforms. To do so, head to the “Webforms” section under administration, and select the webform you wish to add your custom field to -- the ticket webform, in our case. You can then select a custom field to add to this webform with the “Add Another Property to the Webform" button. If the chosen field has conditions, they must be enabled here as well:

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