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User Notifications

User Emails & Notifications

In-app, push and email notifications can be configured on an individual user basis. 

Access your own notification settings from the top right user menu and click on My Notifications. 

To access other users' profiles, go to the bottom left sidebar click More Applications >> Users. Next, double click on the desired user and tab to ‘Notifications’.

Conversation notifications

Messages from customers

Configure the notifications the user will receive about customer messages. 

message tabs

  • Show "From Customers" in the Messenger
  • If turned off, the user will only see the "My Conversations" section within the Messenger. The user will only receive notifications about followed conversations with customers. 
  • If turned on, you can configure which customer conversations appear in the Messenger:
  • All Messages - All conversations and unanswered items, even in projects the user is not following. This setting is best for an admin/support agent who needs to see/respond to all conversations.
  • In Followed Projects - Conversations and unanswered items in projects the user is following. For example, a team member that is working specifically on a project and doesn’t need to support customers will not need to see all incoming messages.
  • Followed Items Only - Conversations which the user is following directly. 
  • Notify about messages from Customers:
  • All customer messages -This user will be notified about all new customer messages and items.
  • Only from my conversations - This user will get notifications and emails for every new message from a customer in the conversations they are following. 
  • No customer messages - This user will NOT get notifications and emails for any messages from a customer.
  • Play sound - Enable or disable the sound for new messages from customers. 

Messages from users to customers

Configure the notifications the user will receive when another user sends a message to a customer. 

  • Notify the user about messages from users to customers
  • All replies to customers - This user will get notifications and emails for every new message from a OneDesk user or bot to a customer.
  • Followed replies to customers Turn this setting off if you are not interested in being notified about the replies your teammates make to customers. This will cut down the notifications you receive if someone else is taking care of a customer.
  • No replies to customers This user will NOT get notifications and emails for any OneDesk user or bot messages that are sent to a customer.
  • Include bot and automation messages - Configure whether or not to include bot/automated messages in the above notifications. 
  • Play sound - Enable or disable the sound for messages from another user to a customer.

Messages from other users 

Configure the notifications the user will receive about messages sent from another user (between users).

  • Followed conversations - Receive notifications about messages sent from one user to another.
  • No internal messages - Receive no notifications about messages between or from other users. 
  • Play sound - Enable or disable the sound for messages from one user to another user.

How to be notified

  • Receive notification via which channels:

Determines by which channels you will receive notifications, in accordance with your message and assignment notification settings. 

Messenger bubble counter - If on, the messenger will display a green bubble for any unread messages. 

Push - If on, when the mobile app is installed you will receive push notifications about messages and assignment changes.

Email - If on you will receive emails about messages and assignment changes.

  • Send notification of new messages: 

This section is where you determine which messages you want to be notified about. OneDesk notifies you about new messages by showing a green bubble, making a sound, and flashing the browser tab (if you are not already in that tab). An email will also be sent to you if the message has not been seen within 1 minute.

  • You can choose to always send email notifications. If select you will receive an email for all messages even those you have already seen. Not recommended. 
  • You can choose to never send email notifications. This setting will not send you emails even on unseen messages.  

Note: If you select the default settings, You do not get notified of your own messages and you will not be notified if you have already seen the message within 1-minute. Please keep this in mind when testing.

Other notifications

  • Assignment Changes

This setting lets you control if a user receives emails about their individual assignment changes. For example, if this is checked, the user will get an email when they are assigned or unassigned to an item.

  • New Users & Teams in Your Projects 

This setting lets you control if a user receives an email when a new user or team is added to the projects they are following. Most people find it better to have this turned off, so as not to inundate your users when someone joins a project.

Examples of useful configurations

If you do not want to receive any notifications or emails:

  • Select “No customer messages”
  • Select “No replies to customers”
  • Select “No internal messages”

If you are a support team manager and want to receive notifications and emails for all incoming and outgoing messages, both internal and external:

  • Select “All customer messages”
  • Select “All replies to customers”
  • Select “Followed conversation”

If you are a member of a larger support team want to receive notifications and emails for messages conversations you are following:

  • Select “Only from my conversations”
  • Select “Followed replies to customers”
  • Select “Followed conversations”

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