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Creating Time And Material Invoices

To bill for tracked time, your basic workflow should be as follows: 

  • Create a time & materials project for a specific customer organization.
  • Create tickets and tasks in the project.
  • Log billable time to these tickets/tasks. 
  • Create an invoice for the projects, adding desired billable time. 

You can invoice for time logged to tickets or tasks in time & materials projects. 


  • Timesheets must be logged as billable in order to be pulled into an invoice.
  • The tickets/tasks you want to bill for should be in a time & materials project. 
  • The customer org should be the requester of the project or ticket/task. The timesheet will be associated with that customer by default. 
  • Rates must be entered in order to calculate your billable totals.

To create a T&M invoice:

  • From the top menu click Add > Invoice.
  • Select the customer organization you want to invoice.
  • Select whether the invoice is for a specific project or across projects (multiple projects or miscellaneous timesheets) 
  • If across projects, choose if this is a Monthly or Unscheduled (Ad Hoc) invoice. Each customer organization can only have one monthly invoice each month. If you have already invoiced a customer organization for the month, that month will not be selectable. 
  • Choose how you want the invoice to be calculated. Select the cogwheel to alter the hourly rates.
  • Click 'stay in tab' to automatically navigate to the invoice. (Your preference is saved next time). A new empty draft invoice will be created
  • Select 'Add Timesheets to Invoice.'
  • Select the timesheets you want to bill your client for. Only timesheets that are: associated with the selected customer organization, are billable, and are uninvoiced, will appear. 
  • Optionally you can add line items such as discounts, taxes, or a custom line item. (These can be entered automatically based on defaults. See: Invoice Settings).
  • Select 'Change status to Open' The invoice will be moved from the Draft status to Open. Open invoices cannot be modified unless put back to Draft. 

Note: The grouping of line items is determined by your rate level. You can choose whether to show item names or not from your Financials settings or upon creation of the invoice. See: Invoice Settings.

Sending an invoice

  • You can send any invoice in the Open status.
  • Before sending, be sure there is a billing contact for the customer organization. Set or configure this by going to the customer organization profile. (Click the organization name on the invoice).
  • If you haven’t already, set your payment instructions and company information from your settings.
  • You can preview your invoice from the action menu (three dots) on the upper right side of your screen. 
  • Select 'Send invoice.'
  • The invoice will be sent by email to the customer organization's billing contact.

Sending via the QuickBooks Online integration

With Quickbooks Online integrated, you can copy or send invoices. Copying to Quickbooks pushes the invoice to Quickbooks. Then from QuickBooks you can send to the customer.

If you select 'Send with QuickBooks' the invoice is copied over and sent to your customer immediately and directly from Quickbooks. When you send via QuickBooks, it is QuickBooks sending the invoice and not OneDesk. As such, your QuickBooks appearance and payment settings will be on the invoice. See also: QuickBooks Invoicing Integration

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