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Azure Active Directory Integration

What does the integration do?

Onboard your company to OneDesk by bringing in company information from your Azure Active Directory. 

The following information is imported: 

  • Company information (organization name, logo, domains, address)
  • User information is created/updated (first name, last name, picture)
  • User Teams (Note: teams are only imported if the person doing  the connection is an Azure admin)

How to connect

  • On the bottom left side of OneDesk click More Applications > Administration then click Integrations.
  • Locate 'Azure Onboarding' and click connect to authenticate. 
  • Select if you want to update your company information in OneDesk based off the information in your Azure account. Then, select which team member’s information you would like to transfer over.

OneDesk will pull the logo if your Azure account has one. If the company name is different in Azure, then the one in OneDesk will be updated. OneDesk also automatically creates a new team based on the existing teams inside of Azure. Anyone you add who belongs to a team will be automatically added under that team name.