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Macros / Bulk Actions

Macros are a tool used to take multiple or bulk actions or modify multiple items at once. You can use a macro to modify almost any property of items. You can apply a macro for one time use or save a macro for later use. 

Why use a macro?

A macro allows you to make bulk changes on one or many items. Macros allow you to reduce time and effort you would otherwise have to spend manually updating or changing properties. 

The main reason to use a macro is:

  • Changing multiple properties on a single item.
  • Bulk updating one or more properties on a large number of items.

Here are a few examples of common macros use cases:

  • Bulk converting multiple items from type A to type B.
  • Bulk moving multiple items into a different project.
  • Bulk updating the statuses and assignee of multiple items.

Who can use macros?

Admin level users can create new macros or run previously created macros. 

Non-admin users can (by default) only run previously created macros and cannot create new macros or edit macros. 

A non-admin can be given full access to macros by an admin user. To do so, go to Users >> select the desired user >> Permissions & Notifications tab >> check ON Manage Macros.  

How to create and save a macro

You can create a macro and save it for later. Essentially, this is a macro template that can be easily ran when needed. 

You can create a macro on tickets, tasks, features, and articles (or timesheets separately). 

To create a macro, follow these steps:

Step 1: Click Tools in the top navigation bar.

Step 2: Select New Macro (item macro).

Step 3: You will see a list of properties available on the item(s). For instance, you can update statuses, types, or assignee. Select which properties you want to change on the item(s). Any property marked as ‘unchanged’ will be unaffected and remain as they were previously. If you want to start over, select ‘Reset All Fields’ 

Step 4: Click Save This Macro.

Note: if you select Apply, instead of saving, the macro will not be saved. Instead the macro will run one time on any items you’ve selected. 

How to run a saved macro

You can apply a new macro to items or run a macro you had previously created and saved. 

This allows you to bulk edit selected items.

Step 1: Select the items you want to edit. (Tip: click the first item, then while holding shift, select the last item to select all items within the range.) 

Step 2: Click Tools in the top navigation bar.

Step 3: Click the arrow next to saved macros to display your saved macros, if you have many saved macros, you can search to find the macro.

Step 4: Hover over the macro and hit Run.

Step 5: You will see a warning asking if you are sure. If yes, select Run Now.

Edit or delete a Macro

To edit an existing macro, complete the following steps:

Step 1: Click Tools in the top navigation bar.

Step 2: Click the arrow next to saved macros to display your saved macros, if you have many saved macros search to find the macro.

Step 3: Hover over the macro and select the pencil icon to edit the macro.

Examples of useful Macros

1. Assign to me and set to “In Progress”

2. Assign to my team and post a message

3. Close several tickets and notify the requester about change

4. Change ticket priority and assign to an individual

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