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Deleting Users

Administrators can delete user accounts inside OneDesk. You may need to delete a user if the user has left your organization and you wish to add in a new user license, or a user no longer needs access to the main OneDesk application.

Deleting a User

To delete a user from your OneDesk account, access the Users application at More Applications -> Users and access the user who you wish to delete’s actions menu through the three dots in the left column.

The pop-up menu gives you the option to delete this user. You can also deactivate the user instead of deleting them.

If you choose to delete the user you are prompted to confirm in another pop-up.

Administrator users must first have their permissions downgraded to non-administrator accounts in order to be deleted. Since account owners cannot have their administrator roles changed, you will first need to transfer account ownership if this user needs to be deleted.

Please note that once a user has been deleted they cannot be recovered. If there is a chance you may need to bring this user back in the future, deactivate them instead.

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