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Timer / Timesheet Settings & Defaults

You can change a variety of time tracking settings to fit your company’s workflow. 

Accessing time tracking settings

To access your time tracking settings in OneDesk, navigate to More Applications > Administration > Timesheets, and scroll to the bottom of the timesheet settings.

Timer options

Show start/stop work button for assignees - Enable or disable the blue 'start work' button that appears below a task/ticket's title. 

Starting a timer un-assigns other users and teams - If selected, anyone else assigned to the ticket/task will be un-assigned when a user starts a timer. 

The following settings determine how users can interact with the timer:

Multiple simultaneous timers - If selected, multiple timers are able to run simultaneously. For example, a user can run a timer on ticket A and ticket B and the time will be logged on both. Running and paused timers will be displayed in the top right timer menu. 

Multiple paused timers but only one running - If selected, users can only have one timer running at a time, but can have multiple paused timers. Users must pause or stop a timer before starting a new one. Paused timers will be shown in the top right timer menu.

One one timer at a time (paused or running) - If selected users can one have one running or paused. Users must stop a timer before starting another. 

Default settings

You can determine the default values under Administration > Timesheets > Default settings.

These options configure the defaults when filling in the timesheet form.

You can change the default billable status, approval status, and whether the start and finish date is in date format or date/time format.  

  • Billable type - Billable or Non-billable
  • Timesheet status - Approved or Not Approved Yet
  • Timesheet start and finish - Show Only Date or Show Date and Time

As an example, let’s switch our default billing type from “Billable” to “Non-Billable”. Select the dropdown menu for “Default Billing Type” and change the default to non-billable. Now, when you create a timesheet, it will be marked as non-billable by default:

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