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Using Timesheets & Timers

All time in OneDesk is logged as a timesheet. Each timesheet contains details of the associated work item, duration, date, and amount of work performed. Additionally, users can add notes, service type, billable status, and custom field properties. 

You can submit a timesheet manually, by filling in the work performed. Or, you can use a timer to track the work performed automatically. The timesheet is then submitted when the timer is stopped.

Why use timesheets?

Timesheets are the recommended way of using OneDesk. Your team should use timers as they work on tasks/tickets or log time manually as they make progress. Timesheets make it easy to track progression of work, make status updates, and log notes as you go. At a higher level, timesheets are also used for recording employee hours, analyzing performance, tracking client work, and for billing clients for work performed.

Running a timer

You can start a timer on a ticket or task from a few locations. Starting a timer will also assign you to the ticket/task.

  • Option 1: Open a ticket or task detail panel. Click the 'Start work' button. 
  • Option 2: In the ticket or task detail panel, click the Timesheets tab. Click 'Start timer'. 

  • Option 3: In the ticket or task application grid, select the action icon (three dots) beside the desired ticket or task. Click More options > 'Start timer'.

You can see your current timer in the top right. You can navigate to the ticket/task by clicking on the name here.

Stopping a timer will open the timesheet where you can add notes, billable statuses, update the ticket/task status, and more. 

Manually submit timesheets

Option 1: From the top toolbar click Add, and select 'Timesheet'.

Option 2: in the ticket or task detail panel, click the Timesheets tab, and select 'Add timesheet.'

Option 3: From the ticket or tasks application grid, click the action button (three dots) beside the desired ticket or task. Click More Options > Add timesheet.

When you manually submit time you will need to enter the work performed. Fill in other timesheet fields as required. We recommend filling in the ‘New % Complete’ and updating the ticket/task status as you submit your timesheet.

(It is possible to add multiple timesheets at the same time by selecting “Add Another Timesheet” at the bottom of the new timesheet view. See related articles for more detail.)

OneDesk is customizable to fit a variety of time tracking needs. The above flows can be altered based on your preferences. For example, you can configure it so that: 

  • Starting a timer un-assigns other users.
  • Stopping a timer can resolve the ticket/task and automatically and silently submit the timesheet.
  • Users are allowed run multiple timers simultaneously.
  • Prevent users from having multiple paused timers. 

You can also set default values or configure the fields that appear on the timesheet submission form. 

See the articles on Automatic Time Tracking and Time/Timesheet Settings

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