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Conversation Types and Visibility

What is a conversation?

In OneDesk, a conversation is a discussion with your customers and/or users. Replies are sent on a conversation. Anyone who is ‘following’ a conversation will receive these replies and be notified (user notifications depend on their user preferences). For users, conversations can be found and take place from the Messenger app (located on the left sidebar). Conversations can also take place in the conversations tab on the detail panel of a task, ticket, article, or project. 

Linked conversations

Conversations can be independent from any work item in OneDesk. In other words, the conversation is not linked or associated with a ticket, task, or project. When a conversation is linked to a work item, it will appear on the relevant item's detail panel. From the messenger app, the linked item will be displayed on the top left of the conversation. A conversation that is not linked will only appear in the messenger app and is indicated at the top of the conversation with ‘no linked item.’ 

If you start a conversation from an item it is automatically linked to that item. An independent conversation can be made by going to the top Add button >>selecting conversation with user or conversation with customer. 

When a message is sent and the conversation is created, you can optionally:

  • Create a new ticket/task/article from the conversation.
  • Link the conversation to an existing ticket/task/article.

Independent conversations can also be created by customers when they send a new message in the live chat. Like above, you can create a ticket or link the live chat conversation to an existing item. 

Learn more about:

Live chat support

Creating tickets/tasks from live chat conversations 

Internal messages (private)

Internal messages are one of the two visibility types of conversations in OneDesk. There are two visibility types of conversations: those marked ‘customer replies’ and those marked ‘internal messages. Internal messages are private conversations, visible only to users in OneDesk. All replies sent on a conversation marked ‘internal messages’ will only be sent to users following the conversation. Internal messages are never visible to customers even in the portal. 

Customer replies (public)

Customer replies are one of the two conversation types in Onedesk. There are two types of conversations, those marked ‘customer replies’ and those marked ‘internal messages. Customer replies are public conversations, visible to both users and customers. All replies made on a conversation marked ‘customer replies’ will be sent to customers and users following the conversation. 

Closed conversations

Closed conversations can be considered a ‘state’ of a conversation. You can think of a closed conversation as one where you or your customers are not actively engaging. Closed conversations are mainly for organizational and tracking purposes. New replies sent to the conversation (from any channel) will re-open the conversation. 

Locked conversations  

First close the conversation then select lock. Locked conversations prevent new replies. Both users or customers will not be able to reply. For users, the 'Send Message' button will be disabled on the conversation, preventing new replies to be posted. 

Accessing conversations: 

From the messenger:

Conversations can be accessed from your messenger app, located on the far left sidebar. 

The messenger organizes conversations into different categories. These categories appear on the left sidebar. The two main sections are ‘from customers’ and ‘my conversations’.

  • From Customers - This section displays conversations with customers. This section is further divided into three sections: open conversations, unanswered items and closed conversations. 

  • My Conversations - This section displays conversations you have participated in or conversations on items you are following. This section is further divided into four sections:
  • Customer replies - Open conversations I am following
  • Internal Inbox
  • Internal Sent
  • All Closed

Note: The from customers section can be hidden for certain users per conversation settings. Learn more: User Permissions 

From an item detail panel: 

Linked conversations will appear on the item’s detail panel. Items can have more than one conversation attached to them. Access an item detail panel by doubling clicking it’s name in the grid or selecting Tools> dock detail panel to right. 

All conversations linked to the work item will appear in the conversations tab. 

Learn more: 

Followers & Requesters

User Notifications

Avoid Sending External Messages

Change Default Message Visibility