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The Calendar View

The calendar has daily, weekly, and monthly view. Select your view level on the top left side of the calendar. The calendar is available in your Tasks application. You can turn it on (or off) in other applications using the views management setting. 

Note: Your working hours and time zone can be set in your company preferences (Administration >> company preferences). These settings will change the hours and days off displayed on your calendar.

Calendar functions per view level

On all view levels (day, week, month) you can:

  • Click the task to bring up options: view details, edit, or delete the task.
  • Double click to open the detail panel.
  • Double click to create a new task or click and drag to create a new task with a schedule.

In day view:

  • Click and drag the bottom of the task to increase or decrease the duration (end hours and minutes) of the task.
  • Click and drag the task to change its start time.

In week view:

  • Click and drag the bottom of the task to increase or decrease the duration (end hours and minutes) of the task.
  • Click and drag the task up or down to change its start time.
  • Click and drag the task left or right to change its planned day.

In month view:

  • Drag and drop the task along the month with the duration maintained.

Customize the calendar view

Like other views in OneDesk, you can customize your view with filter options then save them on the side panel to switch between easily. For in-depth details on creating custom views, see: Creating and Sharing Work Views

Access the custom view options by selecting the icon next to My Views

From the custom view panel, you can turn on the planned and/or actuals to see the planned schedules and/or actual progress on tasks.  Note: You can also turn these options on from the "action icon" (three dots) on the far right side of your calendar view.

The blue represents the planned schedule while the green represents the actuals. (Actuals are generated by logged time).

Like other views, you can also apply filters to your calendar. For instance, you can choose to view only tasks in a certain project or tasks assigned to a specific team. 

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