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Email Settings

OneDesk helps you manage your ticket flow by receiving and sending emails. You can connect your support inbox(es) to receive emails as tickets. You can then send outgoing email responses from the ticket. OneDesk provides a high level of control for managing and monitoring your incoming and outgoing emails. 

Change the appearance of outgoing emails

You can change appearance such as header, signature, background colors or subject line.

Administration → Emails → Appearance. 

See: Email Appearance for more information. 

General Incoming email settings

Head to  Administration → Emails → Settings.

Connecting an incoming email

There are two methods to receive emails as tickets into OneDesk:

  1. If you use Google or O365 as your email provider, you can directly connect the account.
  2. You can use the auto-forwarding method from any email provider to capture incoming emails. 
  3. You can set up a custom IMAP connection to sync incoming emails. 

To understand how the email flow works, or to learn how to connect an incoming address see: Email Flow

Incoming Email and Queues

When you connect an email account or set-up auto forwarding from an inbox, the address will be listed under the incoming email/queues section. 

Connected email accounts

Any email account you have directly connect to OneDesk will appear under this section. (These accounts will be Google or Office 365 accounts which have been connected through OAuth or App Password). 

Auto Forwarded Queues

See: Email Queues for more detail. 

Queues refer to an email address which you have previously set up auto-forwarding from to capture tickets in OneDesk. Any email account which has been auto forwarded to your OneDesk account will appear under this section. 

For both connected email accounts and auto forwarded queues you can configure which outgoing channel to reply from, as well as queue name and color.

Outgoing channel to reply from

You can decide which outgoing channel to use when replying to a ticket created from the corresponding connected email account. By default the outgoing reply channel will be the same as the connected email itself. Auto forwarded channels are similar in that you can decide which outgoing server to use when responding to tickets created from that outgoing queue. 

The Queue Name and color are for internal tracking and identification of the email account/queue. For instance, you may want to auto-route a ticket to a certain agent based on the queue. Learn more about using email queues in your workflow: Email Queues

Outgoing settings

Add outgoing channels from which to send emails and responses. 

  • Select Add Outgoing Email
  • Choose to link an O365, Google, or Custom SMTP channel. 

From/Send as

Reply Settings - Configure the "FROM" address that appears in emails sent from your OneDesk account. 

Additional outgoing channel actions

  • Send a test
  • Remove outgoing channel
  • Disable OneDesk’s email servers. 
  • Set Default- In this case you have multiple outgoing channels and one disconnects or fails you can set a default channel.

Email Filters


For outgoing emails

Block all outgoing emails – You can temporarily turn off all outgoing email from your account. This will cause ALL sending emails to be dropped, so only switch it off temporarily if you need to.

Note: You may want to do this if you have an email loop in your account. Keep in mind any outgoing emails sent during this time will NOT be sent at a later time, and instead will be dropped. So remember to toggle back on. 

Filter outgoing Email

This section is a blocklist. Addresses listed here will never be sent an email. You will want to add your forwarding addresses (support@, IT@, etc.), and non-user addresses here. This action will prevent email loops. The addresses entered in your ‘From/Send as’ will be added here automatically. You cannot remove a connect address from here unless you change your from/send as and/or disconnect the incoming channel. This feature is to prevent email loops from occurring in your account.

Filters for incoming emails 

Only accept if forwarded from

Prevent potential spammers auto-forwarding to your OneDesk creation email. You can add the emails you have set-up auto forwarding from here. 

Block emails originating from

You can add domains or email addresses. 

Block emails with the following strings

Block emails based on the text in the subject line. You can enter multiple by entering a new line. 

Use token ID in subject to thread conversations

"Use token ID in subject to thread conversations" checkbox will add an unique alphanumeric code at the beginning of the email subject to identify a specific conversation thread.

This feature is mainly designed for on-premise users who use their own email services to make sure conversations are attached to the correct conversation thread. 

If you currently don't have any issue with conversation emails attached to the correct ticket, then you could ignore this feature and keep this check box unchecked. 

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