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Integrate with Slack

(Available on Premium level plans or higher)

Create tickets and tasks directly from Slack. Connect OneDesk’s helpdesk and project management software to your Slack account to make super simple to create new tickets and tasks without leaving Slack.

What does the Slack Integration let you do?

With the Slack integration enabled you can quickly and easily create new tickets and tasks without leaving your slack channel. Staying on top of new tickets and to-do items doesn’t have to be hard. Just post a message in your channel to automatically create a ticket or task in OneDesk. After that, let OneDesk’s automation engine take care of assigning it or moving it to the appropriate project.

Visit the Slack website to install the OneDesk project management and helpdesk software for Slack.

Integrating OneDesk’s helpdesk and project management software with your Slack account is easy. Just follow the steps below or watch the video.

How to Connect OneDesk to Slack – Step-by-Step

1) Connect the Slack integration in OneDesk

Navigate to Administration > Integrations and expand the Slack panel

Click the ‘Connect’ button.

Connect OneDesk to Slack

2) Authenticate on Slack

Enter your Slack workspace, email and password.

authenticate on slack

3) Grant Permissions to OneDesk

Click the ‘Allow’ button.

Grant permissions Slack

4) You are connected to your Slack workspace

OneDesk shows that you have successfully connected. A disconnect button is now available if you want to disconnect in the future.

You are connected to Slack

5) Use slash commands to create tickets and tasks

In your channel, enter “/task” or “/ticket” followed by the name of the new task/ticket

OneDesk replies that it has successfully created them.

use slash commands to create tickets or tasks

6) Verify your new tasks and tickets in OneDesk

You will see that OneDesk has created the new tasks and tickets. By default these items will be outside of projects and not assigned. You can use OneDesk’s workflow automations to create logic to modify them, put them in projects, assign them, send notifications and more.

create new task