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AI Assistant

The AI assistant, nicknamed Odie (‘OD’), can aid your customers by answering their questions and assist your agents by suggesting or writing replies. 

The AI assistant bases its answers on your ‘knowledge corpus’. A knowledge corpus is content within your OneDesk account that has been fed to the AI. In other words, the AI is based on your own company’s information. The corpus can be made up of: saved replies, previous replies (made by agents to customers), URLS on your domain, and knowledge base articles. You can use one or all of these sources of knowledge to build your corpus. As you create and refine your content, the AI will get better at answering queries. 

Summary of AI assistant features:

  • Answers customer/end-user queries from the live chat.
  • Respond to customer queries when searching in the knowledge base (help center).
  • Deflect tickets by answering customer queries before accessing the webform.
  • Assist users (agents) by recommending saved replies or generating new replies based on context.

What can the AI assistant answer? 

The AI assistant's responses are based on your own content (articles, saved replies and/or previous agent replies). As such, the bot can respond to any questions it has been trained on. As you work and create content, the bot will get smarter. 

Enable the AI assistant

We recommend having a solid corpus of knowledge before trying the AI assistant since the information is based entirely on your own content. We offer a 14 day free trial of the AI assistant. The trial is available at any plan level. After this trial, the AI assistant is available as a paid add-on for the enterprise plan. 


  • To start the trial or purchase the AI assistant go to Administration >> Subscription >> click Start Trial or Purchase in the AI assistant pricing section.
  • Next enable the assistant from Administration >> AI & Automation >> AI Bot and toggle on the AI Bot
  • Select the sources you want to use for your knowledge corpus.

AI assistant settings

Who will answer first when your team is online - If the Bot is selected, the AI assistant will always answer customer questions even when your team is online. If you’d prefer the bot to only handle customers during off-hours, you can select an Agent to answer first.

What options should the bot offer after response - After attempting to answer any questions in the live chat, the bot can offer customers additional options for support. The bot will only offer the options you have selected.

Submit a ticket - directs the customer to your webform.

Read the KB - directs the customer to your knowledge base.

Talk to a live agent - disables the bot from answering chat messages and notifies relevant agents. 

Content Relevance level - Determines how closely related content needs to be in order to be used by the bot in its answer. A lower level will use more broadly related content. A higher level limits the bot to more closely related content. 

Reply Variability Level - Determines how much variability the bot can use when responding to queries. For example, when a customer says ‘Hi’ a low variability bot might always respond with ‘hello,’ while a high variability bot might respond with ‘Hi’, ‘How are you’, or other variations.

Customers - interacting with the AI

Customers can interact with your AI assistant from the customer-facing applications tools included with OneDesk (Webforms, Knowledge base, and Live Chat).

Live chat messenger

In the live chat messenger, the AI Assistant will answer your customer questions. 


The customer can ask their query before accessing the webform. If the bot did not answer their query, the customer is directed to the form with the original query filled in as the form's subject line. 

Users - interacting with the AI

Users can utilize the AI assistant when responding to chats or tickets. 

Click on the bot icon within the message box. The AI assistant will locate relevant saved replies and articles based on the context of the message. Click 'Write me a new one' to allow the bot to generate a new reply based on its knowledge. Once generated, you can insert the reply into the conversation. You can edit the reply before sending it to the customer.